Scott Thoe

Scott Thoe er norsk-amerikaner, født i Minnesota. Han er utdannet i litteraur ved universitetene i Washington og Harvard (M.A., Ph.D.) før han fullførte sin kunstutdannelse ved kunsthøyskolen i Kiel i Tyskland og kunstakademiet i Krakow i Polen. Han er representert ved nasjonalgalleriene i Wasrzawa og Gdansk. I Norge er han mest kjent for sine offentlige utsmykninger på bygninger. Han har bodd og jobbet de siste år i Lofoten, hvor han er opptatt av livet og naturen i øysamfunnet.
Scott Thoe, a Norwegian-American, was born in Minnesota but spent most of his childhood in California. At the age of 13 he was invited to attend the Berkeley College of Arts and Crafts after participating in an art exhibition in Oakland. He received his higher education in both Europe and the United States with M.A. degrees from University of Washington and Harvard, a Ph.D from the University of Washington before completing his art education at the Academy of Fine Art in Cracow, Poland, preceded by two years at the Kunsthochschule in Kiel, Germany. Thoe has spent the last 30 years living in the Lofoten Islands of Northern Norway, where he paints and concocts his monumental building projects. In 1992 he was invited to Moscow by President Gorbachev and in 1993 he made a presentation of his art concept "Tanks for Peace", a bridge of dismantled tanks, before the Russian Duma. The model of the 40 thousand-tanks bridge was exhibited as well in the OSCE Headquarters in Vienna and the Bundestag in Berlin.
California College of Arts and Crafts, Berkeley 1961–63
Baylor University, Waco, Texas 1965–67
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa (Bachelor of Arts) 1967–68
Harvard University, Cambridge (Master of Arts) 1968–70
Universität Kiel, V. Tyskland 1970–73
University of Washington (M.A., Ph.D. – 1975) 1973–75
Kunstakademiet i Krakow 1975–78
Mural techniques, Art Academy Oslo 1998
Baylor University, Waco, Texas 1965–67
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa (Bachelor of Arts) 1967–68
Harvard University, Cambridge (Master of Arts) 1968–70
Universität Kiel, V. Tyskland 1970–73
University of Washington (M.A., Ph.D. – 1975) 1973–75
Kunstakademiet i Krakow 1975–78
Mural techniques, Art Academy Oslo 1998
National Gallery in Poland, Warszawa
National Museum, Syktyvkar Russia
National Gallery in Gdansk
National Gallery of the Reupublic of Komi, Russia
Festspillene i Nord-Norge
Harstad Kommune
Dom Polonias samling, Krakow
Cultural Centre ,Koryazhma, Russia
Luther College, Iowa, USA
Cultural Center, Pac.Luth.Univer., Washington
Vestvågøy Kommune
Deere Born Country Art Center, Minnesota, USA
National Museum, Syktyvkar Russia
National Gallery in Gdansk
National Gallery of the Reupublic of Komi, Russia
Festspillene i Nord-Norge
Harstad Kommune
Dom Polonias samling, Krakow
Cultural Centre ,Koryazhma, Russia
Luther College, Iowa, USA
Cultural Center, Pac.Luth.Univer., Washington
Vestvågøy Kommune
Deere Born Country Art Center, Minnesota, USA
Public Art
Vestvågøy Rådhus, Lofoten, Norway
Green River Municipal Library, Wyoming, USA
Northwood County Civic Center, Iowa
Leknes Lufthavn
Hol Bygdeheim
Gimle Kino, Stamsund
Forsvarets Overkommandosentral, Reitan
Snorreplatformen – boligkvarteret
Ballstad Slipphall – utendørs veggmaleri (3000 kv.m.)
Green River Municipal Library, Wyoming, USA
Northwood County Civic Center, Iowa
Leknes Lufthavn
Hol Bygdeheim
Gimle Kino, Stamsund
Forsvarets Overkommandosentral, Reitan
Snorreplatformen – boligkvarteret
Ballstad Slipphall – utendørs veggmaleri (3000 kv.m.)
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Galleri Nord Norge 2017
Kotlas Centennial, Russia 2017
National Museum, Syktyvkar Russia 2015
Center for Modern Art, Karyazhma, Russia 2014
Art work onboard Space Shuttle "Atlantis" 2013
Art Center, Univeristy of Syktyvkar, Russia 2013
Silver Crest Gallery, Oroville, California 2010
Rana Art , Norway 2006
Atelier Lofoten, Svolvær 2004
Galleri Nord-Norge, Harstad 2002
Skien Kunstforening Gallery 1999
Nøtterøy Kunstforening 1999
Harstad Kunstforening 1995, 89, 83,77
State Duma, Moscow 1995
Dom kulturi, Kiev, Ukraine 1995
Kinocentre, Moskva 1995
Listafelaget (National Gallery) Torshavn, Faeroe Islands 1989
Sandpiper Gallery, Washington, USA 1988
Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, USA 1988
Fredrikstad Kunstforening, Norway 1985,82,79
Nordens Hus, Reykjavik, Iceland 1984
Minnesota Museum of Art, St.Paul, USA 1984
Galeria BWA Gdansk, Poland 1984
Galeria Jarskulka, Krakow, Poland 1983
Galeria MPIK, Warsaw, Poland 1983
Festspillene I Nord-Norge, Harstad 1978
Scott Thoe - Kalender 2019